Operation DiepCity.
Calling all field agents.
Be on the lookout for this Person of Interest:
Name: Zola.
Alter ego: Sonia Mbele.
Last seen: Going after Mgedeza (Mduduzi Mabaso). Not to kill him but to ensnare him in her lusty grip.
Known associates: Her kingpin father - a gun smuggler. She inherited his syndicate. Has no women friends.
Crimes: Gun smuggling. Killed her father's lieutenant when he undermined her in front of other people.
Weapons: Sex appeal. Deadly manicure. Vixen tendencies. Only reveals her dark side when necessary.
Victims: Men and other kingpins who want her, but also fear her.
Known weakness: Things don’t go as planned for her in the love department.
First seen: Tuesday 27 July at 20h00.
Over and Out.
To know more about her character read Diep City August Teaser