Colorful Hairstyles We Absolutely Love Inspired By SouthAfrican-Born-British-Online-Starlet Nyane Lebajoa

Nyane Lebajoa is a beauty influencer known for her wild creativity with her hair. From unexpected color choices to flips and twists, this SouthAfrican-born-British-online-starlet is showing genius ways any woman, especially women of color, can make their hair speak wonders.

Nyane is undoubtedly slaying the hair game and we all can learn a thing or two from her.

Certainly, for most of us who at random days wear the same hairstyle called “I tried”, we can’t help but wonder how someone never lacks inspiration on hairstyles. Even if she has a closet full of wigs, how does she get the time to style them rightly when some can seem to have the time to comb their natural hair?

 Does she ever have bad hair days? Just thinking out loud.

Honestly, life’s too short to wear boring hair and you if can handle some color, then by all means go pop. However, if you’d rather tread on natural looking hues, surely Nyane can still be an inspiration. This is because other than her famous colors of the rainbow hair options, this UK and Germany  raised lady does have some black and brown hair inspirations.



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