Updated... Sister In-law: Part 1 & 2


Be careful moving your sister into your home!..

Moving in my sister-in-law Tamar was one of the worst mistakes of my life... Tamar had a tough life Growing up and my wife Melissa decided to move her into our home... She was one of the most known strippers in the city but she had fallen out with her pimp... 

Her pimp beat her badly and sliced her arm with a razor blade... Her pimp hit a main artery and Tamar was forced to go to the Emergency room... She lost a lot of blood but managed to survive... Melissa would say," You need to leave that stripper life, Alone Tamar!"... "That man almost murdered you in cold blood".... Tamar says," If only it was that easy Sis"... "I know Lamont will hunt me down if I don't give him his weekly minimum of R50 000".... "I'm nothing without that man"..." Besides that I don't have anywhere to stay"... 

Melissa says," Sis my door is always open for you".... "When you recover from this please move in with us"... I knew this was a bad idea but I wanted to make my wife happy... Tamar and I had some history together... I used to sleep with her back in the days before marrying her sister... Tamar and I decided to keep it a secret...

After a few months, Tamar was back to her old self... She lost a lot of weight and had the perfect shape. Tamar would always give me these weird looks every time I came around and always tried to flirt with me... 

My wife was working a double shift one night and I was alone with Tamar... 

Tamar would say," You think we would've lasted together?"..."I mean I technically had you first"..." I look around at my sister's life with a lot of regrets "... "Deep down inside I know I should've been your wife"... 

I would say," Come on now Tamar"... "That shit needs to be left in the past"... "I messed with you in high school and I love my wife"... Tamar says," So who's better in bed between myself and my sister?"... I started shaking my head and went to the bathroom... It took everything in me to resist Tamar... Her beautiful face and body was too much temptation... I left the bathroom and Tamar was arched with her butt in the air leaning over the counter... Tamar says," You sure you don't want a midnight snack?" I want you to make love to me like you use to!".......

Sister In Law (Part 2)

My Sister in law Tamar was leaning over the counter with her butt in the air... Tamar had the perfect body and I wanted to sleep her badly... Something in my soul wouldn't let me do it. I loved my wife too much... Temptation was burning my soul and it was hard for me to resist Tamar... 

Tamar says," Look we can keep this a secret and I promise I won't tell my sister".... "I just want a piece of you"... "Nobody gave me good times like you back in the days"... Tamar starts walking closer to me and begins to kiss me on the neck... She says," Doesn't that feel good Babe"... "What are you waiting for?"..."Come eat me"... 

Tamar begins to unzip my zipper and I push her away... I say," Look Tamar this shit is foul"... "I can't do this with you"... "You're my wife's sister"... "I love my wife too much to hurt her like that"... Tamar says. "Brian you're too soft "... "Do you know how many men would want to hit this body?"..."You acting like a little boy! "Nobody says No to me!" ... Tamar walks out and I have a sign of relief.... I'm glad I didn't take the bait and sleep my sister in law...

A few weeks go by and Tamar hasn't said a word to me... I was undecided if I was going to tell my wife what happened between us... I decided to move on from the situation and let everything die down... Tamar was really Pissed that I rejected her and I didn't know what to expect next... 

Tamar decided to do the unthinkable and she told my wife that I tried flirting with her and I made advances to sleep her... My wife Melissa didn't believe it at first and said she wanted proof... Tamar waited until my wife went to work one night and jump into my bed butt NAKED... I was in a deep sleep... Tamar says," You gonna give me some tonight"... "I don't take rejection well".... I woke up  and screamed," Tamar what are you doing"..."Get off me now!".

My wife Melissa comes in the room and says "WHAT  IS GOING ON IN HERE!" 

To be continued........ (OMW Tamar is in Brian's bed NAKED!)  Part 3 is a BOMB! Stay tuned...


The Creative Type... Lifestyle & Entertainment Influencer... Dream ! Believe ! Achieve

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